Professor of philosophy



Sandra Laugier is a professor of philosophy at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, member of the Institut Universitaire de France. She is the director of the ERC-Advanced Grant Programme DEMOSERIES https://www.demoseries.eu. She is a specialist in contemporary philosophy: philosophy of ordinary language, American philosophy, moral philosophy, radical democracy and gender studies, popular culture and television series. She is the author of numerous books, including Faut-il désobéir en démocratie ? Le principe démocratie et Antidémocratie (with A. Ogien) La découverte, Formes de vie (ed. with E. Ferrarese) ; Nos vies en séries, Climats, Flammarion, 2019, Le pouvoir des liens faibles (dir. with A. Gefen) CNRS Editions, 2020, La société des vulnérables, with N. Vallaud-Belkacem, Gallimard, 2020, En confinement, care en séries AOC, 2021) S. Laugier has been a columnist for Libération since 2013.