

Co-Pro Pitching Sessions

Drama - Thriller | Israel |

8 episode(s) of 42min

Sex scene, death scene, crime scene. MAEVE CLARK is an intimacy co-ordinator in her late 20s. She originally trained as an actor, but she found all the roles she was offered were too exploitative, so she retrained. Now her job is to make sure film sets are safe for actors whenever they perform in scenes with nudity or sexual content. At least that’s the ideal she aspires to. And on a good day she achieves it. “But on a bad day I end up haggling with directors over how many nipples he can have,” she tells her friends over an after-work drink. Right now Maeve is working on an “erotic thriller” –a run of the mill detective story with all the standard investigation tropes of the genre: visit to a strip club? Check. Sassy sex worker witness? Check. Sleeping with the prime suspect? Check. JOANNE a member of the supporting cast who’s playing a waitress in a topless bar who is later discovered naked and murdered, reaches out to Maeve saying she’d like to talk to her. But Maeve is busy [...]
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