French audiovisual network abroad, your gateway to international cooperation

Creative business inspirations

Meet the network of audiovisual attachés of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), and find out about its cooperation and support initiatives for professionals in the series industry around the world. 

This network, covering more than 100 countries, develops cooperation, supports professionals internationally and promotes French expertise in audiovisual fields. This round table, organised by the MEAE, the Institut français and Unifrance, will give you a better understanding of their missions and how the network can help you. You will be able to meet audiovisual attachés and international professionals who have been supported by the network.

Session moderated by Emmanuelle Denavit-Feller, Attachée audiovisuelle régionale Regional Head of New Media, Film & Music / French Embassy/French Institute in South Africa

 The round table will be followed by a networking breakfast.