This week, discover Variations de Paul by Pierre Ducrozet.

Variations de Paul
Par Pierre Ducrozet
- Genre : Saga, Historical, Epics
- Publisher : ACTES Sud
- Language : French
- Publication year : August, 2022
Why should you adapt this book into a TV series ?
Ducrozet brings us on a wild ride at the beat of intense music and synesthesic descriptions. Through his characters (roughly spread over three generations), we rediscover the past 50 years with all the music revolutions and the intensity it brought to the world. It is a modern saga that is as satisfying as it is demanding (more for the crazy pace than the style, which stays very legible, even though Ducrozet uses many back and forth in time).
What’s the story ?
An intergenerational family story told through the music of the 20th century, centering around Paul Maleval, a synaesthete (someone who can ‘see’ sounds), who is obsessed with unravelling the mystery of the sounds in the world.

About the author
Pierre Ducrozet is the French-Austrian author of five novels including L’INVENTION DES CORPS which won the 2017 Prix de Flore and REQUIEM POUR LOLA ROUGE (2010) which won the Prix de la Vocation. He co-wrote five books with Julieta Cánepa, including CES JEUNES QUI CHANGENT LE MONDE, winner of the 2020 UNICEF Prize for children’s literature. He taught creative writing at the visual arts school of La Cambre, in Brussels, and has translated novels from both Spanish and English. He currently lives in Barcelona.
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