The 20 participants of the 2022/2023 edition of the SPRINGBOARD, by Series Mania Institute, attended, in February, the second course of the year. Within 2 weeks, they have been initiated to technical jobs of series-making and learnt how to shoot, realise, edit and produce their own mini-series – they had written by themselves during the first course, dedicated to screenwriting initiation

Under the supervision of well-known professionals from the Hauts-de-France, our young participants have learned more about series-making: picture, sound, machine, edition, realisation, production, and also sets and costumes… and so many other jobs they had no idea about!

During the first week of this course, we asked the participants to chose one or two missions they would like to learn on the shooting“, Mirna NOBLE, Project manager of the SPRINGBOARD at Series Mania Institute, says. “Most of them asked for realisation assistant of productor that are famous jobs, but, right from the first day of shooting and the first hours on stage, several of them finally turned to technical jobs, such as boom operator or … who are permanentely moving!”

A few weeks before the shooting began, a casting took place at Series Mania Institute, to chose 5 students from the Ecole du Nord – drama school by the Théâtre du Nord, thanks to a partnership between both schools.

This was a successful gamble for the SPRINGBOARD, a program that aims at making young people who are remote from employment and formation learn more about series-making and its jobs.

By the way, what is this mini-series about?

Four homeless teenagers think they have found a shelter in an abandoned warehouse, but surprinsingly, they find themselves into a genuine maze where a mysterious woman, Maria, is ready to do anything to be free again…

DOMUS, that’s the name of this mini-series composed of 4 episodes, imagined by the young talented participants of the SPRINGBOARD. The preview will take place in March, during the Series Mania Festival 2023 edition, in Lille.

To make out this shooting in professional conditions, Series Mania Institute benefited from its sponsors and partners:

  • European Metropolis of Lille
  • Hauts-de-France Region
  • MEDIA Europe Creative
  • Cinema and animation National Center
  • HBO Max
  • Newen Studios
  • France Televisions
  • Entreprises & Cités
  • Pictanovo
  • L’Ecole du Nord

Series Mania Institute also thanks Lille Avenirs and Pole Emploi Totem, for their cooperation into recruiting and coaching these young talented people.

Discover More pictures from the shooting, following Series mania institute social networks

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