This program aimed at making them learn more about the series professions, from writing to post-production. In partnership with the audiovisual industry, Series Mania Institute and the creative local ecosystem of Lille metropolis dans Hauts-de-France Region worked all together.

Domus, the first thriller mini-series by the springboard young talents

Four homeless teenagers think they have found a shelter in an abandoned warehouse, but surprinsingly, they find themselves into a genuine maze where a mysterious woman, Maria, is ready to do anything to be free again…

This mini-series is composed by 4 episods of 3 to 4 minuts each. It was entirely written and directed by the Springboard promising talents during this 6-week program of Series Mania Institute.

A new innovative program about series in Lille

To make out this shooting in professional conditions, Series Mania Institute benefited from its sponsors and partners:

  • La Métropole Européenne de Lille
  • La Région Hauts-de-France
  • MEDIA Europe Creative
  • Le Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée
  • HBO Max
  • Newen Studios
  • France Télévisions
  • Entreprises & Cités
  • Pictanovo
  • L’Ecole du Nord

Series Mania Institute also thanks Lille Avenirs and Pole Emploi Totem, for their cooperation into recruiting and coaching these young talented people.

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