Women from the 13th Floor
Women from the 13th Floor
Authentica Series Lab
Drame - Comédie | Afrique du Sud |
8 épisode(s) de 52min
At 32, Khanya has accepted her fate as a world-class screw-up. A failed university student turned reluctant prostitute, has spent years dodging ambition, terrified of trying and failing, because if you don’t try, you can’t lose, right?
But when her best friend dies, leaving Khanya with her six-year-old son Ryan, a boy with big feelings, a bigger brain, and a concerning ability to turn Khanya’s sex toys into school art projects, Khanya isn’t just looking after herself, she’s also responsible for raising an undocumented orphan with no one else in the world.
From her 13th-floor apartment in Hotel Baghdad, a woman only crumbling tower in Hillbrow, she fumbles through motherhood. With the help of her only real family and fellow sex workers, Damaris, Netta, and Pinky Gyal, who step in as Ryan’s chaotic but fiercely loving aunties. Between late-night clients, early-morning school runs, and the daily struggle to keep the fridge stocked, they create something messy, beautiful, and [...]
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