L’essor des récits européens et authentiques sur Netflix

Showcases de séries

Alors que la demande pour des récits riches culturellement et diversifiés ne cesse de croître, des créateurs de la région EMEA partageront leurs expériences de mise à l’écran d’histoires locales — depuis la phase de pitch initial jusqu’à la production et la sortie mondiale.

La discussion abordera les défis et les opportunités liés à la préservation de l’authenticité culturelle, le processus de collaboration créative avec Netflix, ainsi que les stratégies permettant aux contenus locaux de résonner à l’échelle mondiale.

Le panel offrira également des perspectives précieuses sur les tendances émergentes et sur l’avenir qui se dessine pour les créateurs européens dans un paysage audiovisuel en pleine mutation.

Nico Moolenaar

Nico Moolenaar is a Belgian-Dutch screenwriter and producer, best known as the showrunner and co-creator of the series Undercover. Upon its release on Netflix in 2019, the first season of Undercover became the most-watched production of the year in the Netherlands and grew into an international success. Building on this success, the film Ferry was launched in 2021, followed by Ferry: the series in 2023, which delved into the early years of ecstasy kingpin Ferry Bouman (played by Frank Lammers) and his wife Danielle (played by Elise Schaap).

Moolenaar is currently working on Amsterdam Empire, an extravagant crime drama full of glamour and grime at the heart of the Amsterdam cannabis scene. This series features Jacob Derwig as Jack van Doorn, the founder of the coffee shop empire Jackal, and Famke Janssen as his betrayed wife, Betty, who seeks revenge by exploiting his weaknesses and secrets. 

Elettra Canovi

Elettra Canovi has been working as Head of Development Film & TV at Indiana Production since 2019, operating between Milan and Rome. In her role as Creative Producer, her primary focus is on the development and creative oversight of internationally oriented films and series, in line with Indiana’s ambition to reach a global audience.

Among the projects Elettra has worked on in recent years are the SKY Studios series Unwanted – Ostaggi del Mare and the serial adaptation of one of the greatest Italian novels of all time, The Leopard, for Netflix.

Throughout her career, she has contributed to international projects such as Gomorrah and ZeroZeroZero (SKY Italia), Suburra (Netflix), BlacKkKlansman by Spike Lee, Get Out by Jordan Peele, and Dog Eat Dog by Paul Schrader. 

François Uzan

François Uzan is a screenwriter and director for film and television.

He has co-written several series, including Family Business (Netflix, 2019), Lupin (Netflix, 2021) and Totems (Amazon, 2022). He is also the creator of several series, including The Signal (Paramount+), an adaptation of the novel by Maxime Chattam, and Represent (Netflix, 2023) with Jean-Pascal Zadi. In feature films, he wrote and directed Say Cheese, starring Jacques Gamblin and Pascale Arbillot, and Family Pack (Netflix, 2024), with Franck Dubosc, Jean Reno and Suzanne Clément.

Emma Lustres

Emma founded the audiovisual production company Vaca Films in 2003. The company has established itself as one of the leading independent production companies in Spain, and its productions include some of the greatest hits in Spanish cinema, such as El niño and Celda 211 by Daniel Monzón, and Quien a hierro mata by Paco Plaza. El desconocido, Cien años de perdón, La sombra de la ley, Código emperador, Fatum, and Hasta el cielo are other films produced by the production company. All of them are commercially successful feature films, some of which have been recognized at prestigious festivals such as Venice, Toronto, Berlin, and San Sebastián, and have been distributed worldwide through major international platforms and distributors.

Vaca TV and Vaca NET have produced some of the most recent Spanish series fiction titles, such as Hasta el cielo (Sky High, The Series), La Unidad T1 (The Unit T1), El desorden que dejas (The Mess You Leave Behind), and Clanes (Gans of Galicia).

Session modérée par Louise Ekland, Journalist – Netflix

Scénariste et producteur
NETFLIX - Belgique
François UZAN
Screenwriter and Director for film and television
Elettra CANOVI
Head of Development Film & TV