Deental Series Workshop

Drame - Comédie dramatique |
In Abidjan, Joseph Kone, a police officer who has just been transferred to the head of the cyber-crime squad (PLCC), is faced with a wave of murders of young men who have in common that they have a judicial past as « Scammer ». Agent Koua, who tries to integrate into the daily life of the PLCC, plunges into the fascinating and dangerous world of these « Yibo » (hustlers) constantly on the lookout for new victims on the Internet nicknamed « Mugu » (customers)! A world between technology and local superstitions that turns out to be more unfathomable than it seems. There is no shortage of suspects living in this ecosystem: fierce competition between « arnacœurs », venal marabouts who extort these teenagers with no reference points, mafia cybercafé owners, complicit money transfer companies, coupé-décalé stars used to clashing… As their investigations progress, the two policemen realize that the two investigations, in France and in Africa, are finally [...]
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