Writers Campus
Drame - Thriller - Science-fiction | Australie |
6 épisode(s) de 57min
When a youth leader is found dead in the forest, the delinquents he was supervising are immediately under suspicion. Especially as one of them is found, dazed and in shock.
Daisy Chen, 17, a gifted but troubled state ward, isn’t talking.
Then her four friends are discovered and rushed to hospital suffering from hypersomnia, a mysterious sleep state that defies medical intervention.
As the demand for answers builds, Daisy’s mind goes back to the forest – to the rippling energy wave that rolled through the trees, cutting her friends down.
That pulse haunts her. Soon it will haunt the world.
Then, suddenly, her friends wake. Their rural community is elated, the incident dismissed as a ‘weather event’. But as their recovery accelerates, Daisy fears something is very wrong. The Forest Four are changing – gripped by a disturbing homogeny.
Meanwhile, the nearby Parkes Telescope, a facility integral to the Breakthrough Listen scientific initiative, is sealed off by a [...]
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