Forever Young
Les Choix de Sara
Canada-France Series Lab
Drame | Canada, France |
6 épisode(s) de 60min
Marseilles, 2003, based on real events.
The series centers on Sara, a determined young French researcher and clinician. In the competitive male-dominated world of genetic research, where the motto is “publish or perish”, she constantly has to fight for her beliefs. Taking place in France and North America, Sara will be challenged by a fierce and prominent professor based in Montreal that will lead her to make decisive choices for herself and her family.
The first episode starts on the small outdated lab of the Timone Hospital. Sara, 34, is obsessively comparing DNA sequences images. Almost in a trance she realizes that she might have discovered the gene responsible for progeria.
Sara needs money to confirm her results, and finally publish the article that will bring her recognition. Her supervisor is not as enthusiastic as she is, preferring to devote his funds to more mainstream diseases: cancers or Alzheimer's. Sara is determined to prove him wrong, but the news of her [...]
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