Séries Mania Forum et Best-Seller to Box-Office vous recommandent un livre à adapter en série TV. Cette recommandation est rédigée en langue anglaise. Si vous avez la moindre question, nous vous invitons à nous contacter sur [email protected].  

Cette semaine, découvrez The Babysitter de Phoebe Morgan.


By Phoebe Morgan

Genre: Psychological thriller
Language: English
Published in May 2020 by HQ Stories, an imprint of Harper Collins UK.
Adaptation rights available: Yes

Why should you adapt this book into a TV series? 

THE BABYSITTER is a race against time, full of murders and secrets families keep to protect themselves and each other, in the vein of THE UNDOING or THE DISAPPEARANCE. The fact that it’s also the story of a workplace relationship with an unhealthy power dynamic makes it feel part of the larger #metoo conversation.

What’s the story?  

Siobhan Dillon has a perfect family: a loving husband, a daughter (albeit in the throes of teenage rebellion), and a sister who is also her best friend.
It’s the start of a HOT August. The family are in a holiday house in picturesque NW France when the French Police arrive: in their home town in the UK, a woman has been murdered, a baby has gone missing, and somehow Siobhan’s husband Callum is the chief suspect. The family must return home and the summer is about to get even hotter.

Comparable Book-to-screen adaptations:  

  • The Undoing
  • The Disappearance
  • The Stranger
The Undoing
The Disappearance
The Stranger

About the author

Phoebe Morgan is a bestelling British writer and an editor at HarperCollins / Avon. She won the London Book Fair Trailblazer Award 2018. THE DOLL HOUSE, her debut novel, became a #1 iBooks bestseller and spent over 8 weeks in the Kindle top 100. Her second book, THE GIRL NEXT DOOR (2019), reached #5 in the Bookseller Heatseekers chart. Her books have sold over 70,000 copies and been translated into eight languages.

Contact for more info[email protected]  

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