Chaque semaine, Séries Mania Forum et Best-Seller to Box-Office vous recommandent un livre à adapter en série TV. Cette recommandation est rédigée en langue anglaise. Si vous avez la moindre question, nous vous invitons à nous contacter sur [email protected].  

This week, discover an instant international bestseller with “the best top-flight psychological suspense” according to the Los Angeles Times.  


By Lisa Unger

Genre: Psychological Thriller, suspense 
Language(s): English 
Published on October 6th, 2020 by Park Row Books 
Film/TV adaptation rights: available worldwide 

Why should you adapt this book into a TV series? 

Confessions on the 7:45 is a twisty, suspenseful domestic thriller that revives the hook of Strangers on a Train. It is a gripping story about marriage, parenting, families and revenge… Fast paced, with complicated female characters and a myriad of surprising twists; this novel has all the elements of a great mini-series in the vein of Little Fires Everywhere or The Undoing

Little Fires Everywhere
The Undoing

What’s the story?  

Selena Murphy is commuting home from her job in the city when the train stalls out on the tracks. She strikes up a conversation with a beautiful stranger in the next seat, and their connection is fast and easy. The woman introduces herself as Martha and confesses that she’s been stuck in an affair with her boss. Selena, in turn, confesses that she suspects her husband is sleeping with the nanny. When the train arrives at Selena’s station, the two women part ways, presumably never to meet again. 
But days later, Selena’s nanny disappears.  

Comparable Book-to-screen adaptations:  

  • A Simple Favor written by Darcey Bell > A Simple Favor directed by Paul Feig  
  • Strangers on Train written by Patricia Highsmith > Strangers on Train directed by Alfred Hitchcock 
  • Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn > Gone Girl directed by David Fincher 
A Simple Favor
Strangers on Train
Gone Girl 

Latest praise for Confessions on the 7:45

  • L.A. TimesBest Crime Book of Fall
  • Amazon Editors’Best of the Month
  • Apple BooksBest Book of the Month
  • Indie Next List Pick
  • Library Reads Top 10 Pick
  • Costco Canada Buyer’s Pick
  • Glamour UK Best Book of 2020

About the author

Lisa Unger is a New York Times and internationally bestselling author. With books published in twenty-six languages and millions of copies sold worldwide, she is widely regarded as a master of suspense.  

Contact for more info[email protected]  

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