Set against the backdrop of San Francisco’s Chinatown in the aftermath of the Civil War, Warrior tells the story of a young martial arts prodigy, newly arrived from China, who finds himself caught up in the bloody Chinatown Tong wars.
Séries Mania 2019
United States | 2019
2x50min (série 10x50min)
- Created by Jonathan Tropper
- Written by Jonathan Tropper, Evan Endicott, Josh Stoddard
- Directed by Assaf Bernstein, Kevin Tancharoen
- Music Reza Safinia, H. Scott Salinas
- With Jason Tobin, Andrew Koji, Olivia Cheng, Kieran Bew, Dianne Doan, Dean Jagger
- Production Bruce Lee Entertainment
- International sales Cinemax
- Broadcast by Cinemax (États-Unis/USA) OCS (France)