El Universo Conspira

The Universe Conspires

Séries Mania 2023

Short Forms Competition

World premiere
Drama - Romance - Lgbtq+ | Uruguay, Argentina | 2022

Screened episode(s) : 1, 2 & 3
Format : 8 x 15min

Montevideo during Pride and a group of young people in their twenties trying to find their way in that stage of life where everything is usually uncertain. Love, bonds, friendship, work, the future. In this midst of chaos and party, there seems to be no chance for Bruno and Bruno to meet. However, the universe conspires.

Our take

This ingenious ensemble series paints a contemporary picture of the youth of Montevideo and reminds us of the importance of serendipity and of letting go.

  • Created By Leonardo PINTOS
  • Written By Leonardo PINTOS
  • Directed By Leonardo PINTOS
  • Music Valentín FERREIRA, Rodolfo AGÜERO
  • With Rodolfo AGÜERO, Camilia PARARD, Santiago BOZZOLO, Cecilia YAÑEZ, Lula GONZÁLEZ, Camilo RIPOLL, Bruno ACEVEDO QUEVEDO, Bruno BRANDOLINO
  • Production Manso Films, Ouroboros Films, UN3TV
  • Broadcaster UN3

Highlights of the festival