Written by award winning playwright David Ireland and directed by BAFTA winning Justin Martin, The Lovers is a comedy drama following the journey of the love-struck, oddly paired duo, Seamus and Janet, played by Johnny Flynn and Roisin Gallagher. When Seamus unexpectedly drops into Janet’s world they instantly clash – and yet also find themselves inextricably drawn to each other… Set in Belfast, this is a sexy, funny, fight-y love story about two people who appear to be utterly wrong for each other – yet may just be utterly right.
The Lovers
Séries Mania 2023
Comedy Competition
World premiere
Comedy - Drama - Romance | Northern Ireland | 2022
Screened episode(s) : 1
Format : 6 x 30min
- Created By David IRELAND
- Written By David IRELAND
- Directed By Justin MARTIN
- With Johnny FLYNN, Roisin GALLAGHER, Alice EVE, Conleth HILL
- Production Drama Republic Limited, Sky Studios
- Broadcaster Sky, SUNDANCE TV