The Looming Tower

Séries Mania 2018
United States | 2018

2x50min (série 10x50min)

In the late ’90s, Ali joins John on an FBI counter-terrorism team and goes abroad to investigate the attacks on American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Winner of the 2006 Pulitzer Prize, The Looming Tower describes the inability of the CIA and FBI to share information, and the growing threat posed by al-Qaeda.

  • Created by Dan Futterman, Alex Gibney d’après l’œuvre de Lawrence Wright
  • Written by Dan Futterman
  • Directed by Alex Gibney
  • Music Will Bates
  • With Jeff Daniels, Tahar Rahim, Wrenn Schmidt, Bill Camp, Louis Cancelmi, Virginia Kull, Ella Rae Peck
  • Production Legendary Television
  • Broadcast by Hulu, Amazon Prime Video