Prestidigitator and TV star Sylvain is secretly a real magician. Disillusioned by the direction his career has taken, he learns one day that his legendary rival Barloute L’Etonnant has been kidnapped and that his ex-girlfriend Léa is now dating a famous BMX pro. Faced with the incompetence of his artistic agent, he seizes the opportunity to turn his life around.
Sylvain le Magnifique
Séries Mania 2018
Short Forms Competition
Canada | 2018
3×10min (série 8×10min)
- Created & written by Samuel Cantin
- Directed by Henry Bernadet
- With Emmanuel Schwartz, Julien Corriveau, Vir- ginie Fortin, Eric Bernier, Julien Lacroix, Daniel Lemire
- Production Roméo & Fils
- Broadcast by ICI Tou.TV