1993. The “Studio Tarara” sketch show is enjoying popular success, but behind the scenes, its star, Ricky, is caught in a spiral of self-destruction. Forced to take a back seat after an overdose, he causes all kinds of trouble on set. Then, in the chaos, a sudden death turns everything upside-down.
Studio Tarara
Séries Mania 2019
International Panorama
Belgium | 2019
2x50min (série 8x50min)
- Created by Tim Van Aelst
- Written by Tim Van Aelst, David Vennix
- Directed by Tim Van Aelst, Wim Geudens
- Music David Poltrock
- With Koen De Graeve, Ruth Beeckmans, Peter Van Den Begin, Janne Desmet, Geert Van Rampelberg
- Production Toreador, Shelter
- International sales Toreador
- Broadcast by VTM, Medialaan (Belgique/Belgium)