Desperate for a child, Allison (Katherine Ryan) and Deacon (Romesh Ranganathan) rob their dodgy boss Alfie (Johnny Vegas) to pay for IVF. Now, with Allison high on hormones, they just have to avoid getting caught.
Romantic Getaway
Séries Mania 2023
Comedy Competition
National premiere
Comedy - Society | United Kingdom | 2022
Screened episode(s) : 1, 2
Format : 6 x 30min
- Created By Romesh RANGANATHAN, Benjamin GREEN
- Written By Romesh RANGANATHAN, Benjamin GREEN
- Directed By Shaun WILSON
- Music Vince POPE
- With Romesh RANGANATHAN, Katherine RYAN, Johnny VEGAS
- Production Ranga Bee Productions, Sky Studios
- Broadcaster Sky
- International sales NBCUNIVERSAL GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION on behalf of Sky Studios