Inspired by true events, Rematch is a psychological thriller, about the historic confrontation between Garry Kasparov, the greatest chess player of all time, and IBM’s supercomputer, Deep Blue. This human vs. machine battle will forever change the perception of artificial intelligence.
Séries Mania 2024
International Competition
World premiere
Suspense - Biopic | France, Hungary | 2023
Screened episode(s) : 1 & 2
Format : 6 x 52min
Our take
A precursor of the technological breakthroughs of our era, this fascinating and captivating battle still has resonance today with artificial intelligence raising new challenges. A captivating thriller, starring the incredible Christian Cooke.
- Created By Yan ENGLAND, André GULLUNI, Bruno NAHON
- Written By Yan ENGLAND, André GULLUNI
- Directed By Yan ENGLAND
- Music Grégoire AUGER
- With Christian COOKE, Sarah BOLGER, Tom AUSTEN, Orion LEE, Molly HARRIS, Trine DYRHOLM, Aidan QUINN
- Production UNITÉ, ARTE France, FEDERATION STUDIOS, Proton
- Broadcaster ARTE
- International sales FEDERATION STUDIOS