Red Creek

Séries Mania 2018

Short Forms Competition

France | 2018

4×10min (série 10×10min)

The enigmatic Marlène has fled her native France and her career in the police force to settle in Canada’s far north. One evening, she knocks on the door of the Coxx family, whose daughter Elise has disappeared. The official investigation leads nowhere, and Marlène, suspecting an exorcism, takes on the role of private detective.

  • Written by Aurélien Molas
  • Directed by Antoine Besse
  • Music Vincent Leibovitz
  • With Lou de Laâge, Tobie Pelletier, Kent McQuaid, Eric Davis, Juliette Gariepy, Laurie Babin
  • Production 22h22, John Doe Production
  • Broadcast by Studio+