A mysterious kung fu heroine and a former drug addict converted to Marxism join forces to lead a workers’ revolt in a French factory. Led by Margot Bancilhon (Best Actress at Series Mania 2023 for Haven of Grace) and JoeyStarr, an action series created by Thomas Bidegain and Fred Grivois..
Séries Mania 2024
French Competition
World premiere
Action - Political | France | 2023
Screened episode(s) : 1 & 2
Format : 6 x 48min
Our take
When Kill Bill meets Karl Marx in a small town, starring Margot Bancilhon and JoeyStarr, the result is… electric! This action series created by Thomas Bidegain and Fred Grivois, with its movie references and homage to the workers’ struggle, never ceases to surprise with its unlikely twists and off-the-wall characters.
- Created By Thomas BIDEGAIN, Fred GRIVOIS
- Written By Thomas BIDEGAIN, Fred GRIVOIS, Valentine MONTEIL
- Directed By Fred GRIVOIS
- Music Thomas CAPPEAU
- With Margot BANCILHON, Joeystarr , Hiba EL AFLAHI, Guillaume LABBÉ, Alexandre PHILIP, Michaël ABITEBOUL, Anne BENOIT, Sébastien LALANNE, Alysson PARADIS, Hubert DELATTRE
- Production 687, FIT PRODUCTION, White Lion Films, MAKWA, ARTE France
- Broadcaster ARTE (France-Allemagne)
- International sales Mediawan Rights