The brutal murder of Judge Dessureaux’s youngest daughter Gabrielle plunges his family into a living hell. When the presumed killer is acquitted, the family decides to seek revenge. Is taking justice into their own hands the best answer to this situation? Will this decision really bring peace to the family?
Les Honorables
Séries Mania 2019
Carte blanche Québec /
Buyers showcase
Canada, Quebec | 2018
2x60min (série 10x60min)
- Created & written by Jacques Diamant
- Directed by Louis Choquette
- Music Christian Clermont
- With Patrick Huard, Macha Grenon, Mylène Mackay, Olivier Gervais-Courchesne, Myriam Gaboury
- Production Datsit Sphère
- International sales Sphere Média International
- Broadcast by Club Illico (Canada)