Crowned with eight Emmy Awards in 2017, the drama series returns with a second season marked by Defred’s pregnancy and her fight to free her unborn child from the horrors of the dystopian Republic of Gilead, where women are enslaved. But who will succumb to this revolution?
The Handmaid’s tale – Season 2
The Handmaid's tale
Séries Mania 2018
New Season Premieres
United States | 2018
2×52min (série 13×52min)
- Directed & written by Bruce Miller, d’après l’œuvre de Margaret Atwood
- Music Adam Taylor
- With Elisabeth Moss, Joseph Fiennes, Yvonne Strahovski, Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Samira Wiley, Ann Dowd, Max Minghella
- Production MGM Television
- International sales Hulu
- Broadcast by Hulu (USA), OCS