In the segregated society of 1960s Nevada, a young white woman named Fauna Hodel is raised in the African-American community by a possessive mother who lies to her about her background. When she discovers what’s been going on, Fauna heads for Los Angeles to find the truth in the same town where journalist Jay Singletary is trying to solve the famous case of the Black Dahlia.
I am the night
Séries Mania 2019
United States | 2019
2x60min (série 6x60min)
- Created & written Sam Sheridan
- Directed Patty Jenkins
- Music David Lang
- With Chris Pine, India Eisley, Jefferson Mays, Leland Orser, Yul Vazquez, Dylan Smith
- Production Studio T
- International sales Turner Broadcasting System
- Broadcast by TBS (États-Unis/USA)