17 years after Six Feet Under, Alan Ball imagines a new dysfunctional family: Audrey and Greg Bishop have four children and make up a progressive, enlightened, Democratic household in Portland. The younger son’s fantastical visions are interwoven with existential crises, personal neuroses and the failure of a family’s political commitment to Trump’s new America.
Here and Now
Séries Mania 2018
United States | 2018
2×42min (série 13×42min)
- Created & written by Alan Ball
- Directed by Alan Ball (ép.1), Uta Briesewitz (ép.2)
- With Holly Hunter, Tim Robbins, Daniel Zovatto, Jerrika Hinton, Raymond Lee, Sosie Bacon, Peter Macdissi
- Production Your Face Goes Here Entertainment
- International sales HBO
- Broadcast by HBO, OCS