A group of women gets together on social media to expose the sexual harassment they suffered from a renowned specialist in reproductive medicine. The saga of perseverance and courage of these women begins when one of them decides to reveal what was until then confined inside the doctor’s office walls.
Séries Mania 2019
Buyers showcase
Brazil | 2018
2x40min (série 10x40min)
- Created by Maria Camargo
- Written by Maria Camargo, Bianca Ramoneda, Fernando Rebello, Pedro de Barros
- Directed by Amora Mautner
- Music Loro Bardot
- With Antônio Calloni, Adriana Esteves, Paolla Oliveira, Mariana Lima, Jéssica Ellen, Elisa Volpato
- Production Globo, O2 Filmes
- International sales Globo
- Broadcast by GloboPlay (Brésil/Brazil)