Following the unexplained discovery of an extraterrestrial magma, Quinquin, who now calls himself Coin Coin, and detectives Roger Van der Weyden and Rudy Carpentier find themselves embroiled in a new, crazy police and existential adventure… After Le P’tit Quinquin, Bruno Dumont returns with an explosive second season.
Coin, Coin et les Z’Hinumains – Season 2
Séries Mania 2018
New Season Premieres
France | 2018
2×52min (série 4×52min)
- Created, written & directed by Bruno Dumont
- With Alane Delhaye, Lucy Caron, Bernard Pruvost, Philippe Jore
- Production 3B Produc- tions, Arte France, Pictanovo, Le Fresnoy
- International sales NDM
- Broadcast by Arte