This Afrobeat thriller tells the story of a club in Cotonou where the great orchestra Black Santiago performs every night. When a developer covets the land to build a marina, a family of eccentric musicians persists in thwarting his plans: the owner Antoine, fighting against his brilliant saxophonist son Theo, and Sika, a young singer whose outstanding talent will bring a new meaning to her life as well as second wind to the band.
Black Santiago Club
Séries Mania 2023
Special Screenings
World premiere
Drama - Musical | France, Senegal, Benin | 2023
Screened episode(s) : 1, 2
Format : 8 x 52min
Our take
The only African series to be presented at Series Mania this year, Black Santiago Club is a musical thriller that recounts the adventures of this legendary band, creator of Afrobeat, unfairly unrecognized and forgotten by history. Co-directed by Toumani Sangaré (Wara) and Tiburce Bocovo.
- Created By Alain PATETTA, Florent MAZZOLENI
- Written By Dalal SECK, Bouba DIOP, Ange Régis HOUNKPATIN, Iris Ehrlich TOKOUETE, Lucrèce D’ALMEIDA, Tiburce BOCOVO in collaboration with Sorel AGBODEMAKOU
- Directed By Toumani SANGARE, Tiburce BOCOVO
- With Tolli Toffa ATINOUKÉ, Ismael N'DIAYE, Dine ALOUGBINE, Chloé LECERF, Malang SONKO, Sedo TOSSOU, Julio Darius Dodji AVAHOUIN, Belle Tiphaine Adjoa AMEGBEDJI, Gontran GUEDOU, Agossou Nicolas DE DRAVO HOUENOU, Mahutondji Ablavi Sophie METINHOUE with the Santiago Club Orchestra
- Production Keewu Production
- Broadcaster CANAL+ PREMIERE
- International sales Mediawan Rights