An epic romantic adventure based on the life of Billy the Kid, also known as William H. Bonney – from his humble Irish roots and his early days as a cowboy and gunslinger In the American frontier, to his pivotal role in the Lincoln County War and beyond.
Billy The Kid
Billy The Kid
Séries Mania 2022
International Competition
World premiere
Adventure - Western - Drama | United States | 2021
Episode(s): 1, 2
Series: 8 x 60min
Our take
After creating and writing The Tudors and Vikings, Michael Hirst is back with a naturalistic take on the young Billy the Kid, setting the story in the migratory context of the American West. Tom Blyth (The Gilded Age) spreads his wings with the role of Billy, performing with a unexpected physique and sensitivity.
- Création Michael HIRST
- Scénario Michael HIRST
- Réalisation Otto BATHURST, Rachel LEITERMAN, Michael NANKIN, David FRAZEE
- Avec Tom BLYTH, Daniel WEBBER, Eileen O'HIGGINS, Joey BATEY, Jamie BEAMISH
- Diffusion Epix
- Ventes internationales MGM
- Production Epix Studios and MGM International Television in association with Nordic Entertainment Group's streaming service Viaplay