American Woman tells the story of Bonnie Nolan, an unconventional mother struggling to raise her two daughters after leaving her husband, during the feminist second wave of the 1970s in Los Angeles. Bonnie relies on the help of her two best friends, Kathleen and Diana, and together they discover their own independence.
American Woman
Séries Mania 2018
Official Competition
United States | 2018
3×30min (série 12×30min)
- Executive producers John Wells, John Riggi
- Co-executive producers Kyle Richards, Jinny Howe
- Written by John Riggi
- Directed by Alex Hardcastle
- Music Michael Suby
- With Alicia Silverstone, Mena Suvari, Jennifer Bartels, Makenna James, Lia McHugh
- Production John Wells Productions en association avec Warner Horizon Scripted Television
- International sales Warner Bros. Television Distribution
- Broadcast by Paramount Network